Learn About the Different Methods of Card Processing
By Jason Simms
Because a credit card makes simple and secure payments in different situations, there are various credit card processing methods that a user can select from.
Credit Card Imprinting Machines
Probably the most common of all, credit card imprinting machines work on simple swipe and copy mechanism. A credit card is swiped and it makes a carbon copy of the card with all required information for later processing. However, the biggest drawback with this method is that the machine doesn’t notify about the denial of credit card. This increases the risk of slip ups or fraud transactions to a significant extent.
Bank Processing
Asking the issuing bank to process your payment is possibly the most conventional method. However, this mode is only applicable when you have collected credit card info through imprinter or forms. Although, the payment method is a bit pricey than other options, it surely is a more sensible and secure approach for payment.
Credit Card Terminals
A credit card terminal is a suggested payment method when you require making heavy payments. Because the terminal is connected with internet, users can swipe for a payment and get immediate balance receipt from the issuing bank. Moreover, they are securer than imprinters and also eliminates the risk of card rejection or fraud transactions.
Mobile Devices
This portable credit card terminal uses mobile devices for transaction and processes it over wireless connection. For a transaction, users can add credit card information manually or even use additional hardware for the same swipe purpose.
Virtual Terminals
In this payment mode, you need to fill an online payment form with credit card details which will then be processed over the internet. Because all credit card info needs to be added manually, this process is a bit time consuming and are only good for fewer payments.
About the Author
 | Jason Simms, Amslv.com 1722 E. University, Suite 3 Las Vegas, NV 89120 8552678472
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