I'm Not One Of Those Guys
By Rich Hochwarter
Fellow Business Men and Women, we all know we can't afford not to accept credit cards in today's business world. With all the different card types out there for Visa and Mastercard, alot of business owners are unaware there are different costs from the issuing bank of that credit card to the merchant. What ever company is processing your payments, understand this...the processing company has a COST they must pay the bank when the merchant accepts the credit card for payment.
That cost for the different card types i.e. rewards, corporate, business, world cards, ect, can be seen on Visa.com under interchange rates. Yes, it's public information! Take a look at these costs, and you will be able to see the profit your merchant processing company is making off you! Then, if you want a comparison done, contact me and i'll take a look at your current statement, breaking down what we can save you with one of our Pass Thru programs (Interchange Cost) compared to what program you are on. Feel free to post any questions for discussion.
About the Author
 | Rich Hochwarter, Prolific Business Solutions Danbury Dr Phoenix, AZ 85053 480-363-2564
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